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A nutritious diet is absolutely essential to prevent or recover from a failure of The Great Assumption. But deficiencies can happen even on a healthy diet. Fortunately modern health science has produced a wide array of supplements to fill many nutrient gaps.

When I say supplements I am talking about herbs, herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and more

Here is a survey of all the different supplements I use, their purposes and how I use them.

I endorse the products and companies I list here but I am not collecting any income by doing so.


The best way to get nourishment is to eat a healthy diet. But I still need supplements to make up the nutritional deficiencies in the Safe Space Diet due to its restricted intake of foods with biogenic amines and oxalate.

The best way to figure out your particular nutritional needs is by using an app like Cronometer. Then you can make more accurate decisions on how to supplement for nutrition.

I find that day to day I am usually deficient in certain vitamins and minerals so I regularly supplement them regardless of what I eat. But the body needs many more different nutrients to function correctly than just vitamins and minerals.

Some supplements actually make me feel better but to be clear: none of the supplements I list here are a cure for the symptoms I associate with MTMDTI. I still have to maintain the Safe Space Diet in order to keep the MTMDTI in check. But these supplements do provide nourishment are helpful to promote healing post failure of The Great Assumption.

Basic Nutrition



Our food gets mixed with acids and enzymes in our stomach to breakdown nutrients into compounds that are small enough to assimilate. This acid crucible helps eliminate pathogenic bacteria that ride in on our food while many of the beneficial probiotic microbes that we eat can tolerate the low ph.

As gut health degrades due to a variety of factors it may help to take digestive supplements. I only take one enzyme and maybe one acid supplement per meal but I use different enzymes, for the purpose of diversity, with different meals.

  • Betaine HCl - This is the acid part of the digestion equation. It is a form of hydrochloric acid that helps breakdown protein and minerals. There are many brands available. Be sure and follow the easy test protocol to determine the dosage:
I take betaine HCl with every big protein meal.
  • Country Life Maxi-Zyme - a good all purpose digestive enzyme.
  • Now Super Enzymes - a good all purpose digestive enzyme that includes betaine HCl.
  • Ox Bile - Yummmy!! Ox bile! Sounds gross but it helps digest fats and better utilize fat-soluble vitamins.

Prebiotics and Probiotics



Joint Health

Vision Health

Sleep Aids

Hair Loss


I get supplements from different sources based primarily on availability and prices:

  • Amazon,
Amazon usually has what I need at a reasonable price.
  • Swanson,
Swanson has an amazing array of products, their own and other manufacturers, and excellent prices.

Seeking Health and Life Extension products are available from Amazon and Swanson or direct from their own websites.

  • Seeking Health,
  • Life Extension,