First Steps

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First steps in personal microbiome management...


Recognize that a healthy microbiome is absolutely essential to good health. A healthy microbiome is every bit as important to our health as is a healthy heart, lungs or kidneys.


Visualize your microbiome. How you choose to do that is up to you. I think of a river, a long meandering river: through the portal, down the falls into the acid lake that is the source of the smaller fork of a river teeming with wildlife that inhabit its depths and shores.


Realize that we have this living ecosystem within us that is essential to our health and needs to be cared for just like any other ecosystem.

Management Tasks

The tasks associated with the management of a waterway are not so different than what is required for the successful management of a healthy microbiome:

Maintain a healthy watershed
Take wildlife and flora censuses
Provide healthy food sources to nourish wildlife
Monitor wildlife populations and replenish as necessary